Centro Congressi Palazzo Baldassini – Rome

The Baldassini Palace is an elegant building located in the heart of Rome’s historic center on Via delle Coppelle. Built between 1515 and 1518 for Melchiorre Baldassini, an Umbrian jurist, it was designed by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger. This palace is a splendid example of Roman Renaissance architecture, featuring a sleek and understated facade, windows adorned with travertine frames, and an inner courtyard that is considered a true gem.

Inside, the palace boasts a series of rooms adorned with frescoes by artists from that period. For these artistic decorations, Baldassini enlisted the talents from the School of Raphael, comprised of his disciples: Perin del Vaga, Giovanni da Udine, Polidoro da Caravaggio, and Maturino. The frescoes illustrate mythological and allegorical scenes, reflecting the taste and culture of the “Golden Age of Leo X.” Today, Palazzo Baldassini houses various cultural institutions and foundations. Alcune sale possono ospitare eventi

3Adesign.eu is a highly skilled company renowned for its expertise in working at sites of historical and artistic interest. Here, environmental conditions are crucial at every stage of the setup as well as the dismantling, significantly impacting the success of the event.

“Genius Loci” is a concept originating from ancient Roman religion, where it meant “spirit of the place.” The ancients believed that each location had a protective deity or supernatural entity watching over it. Today, the term refers to the collection of socio-cultural, architectural, linguistic, and behavioral characteristics that define the identity of a place, a city, or an environment. Or even an event…

3adesign.eu, with extensive international experience, always integrates the “Genius Loci” as a key element in every project. An ideal event for Hong Kong cannot be replicated identically in Dubai, Barcelona, or Cartagena, to name a few.

In the majestic patrician palaces of Rome, the Eternal City that coined the very term, the “Genius Loci” is so palpable that to create an extraordinary setting, one simply needs to harmonize with it.